Education starts at birth, and most parents now know this. Unfortunately, there is so much information out there about what we should and shouldn't be doing with our babies and toddlers that it can be extremely overwhelming! I've found that having more than one child makes it even more overwhelming, because you now have more than one body, mind, and soul to nurture!
I created this curriculum for parents of toddlers ages 12-23 months to cut through the overwhelm and focus on a few important topics and activities we can be doing with our toddlers at home. With the Bible at the core of how we approach raising our children, and Montessori philosophies enriching the child's environment, this combination is freeing and fruitful.
Each monthly curriculum plan includes the following simple ideas to implement at home with your toddler:
- A Character Prayer and Bible Verse
- A Bible Story Card (corresponding to The Rhyme Bible Storybook for Toddlers)
- A Bible Song Card
- Fine Motor Play (usually a Montessori-style toy to add to your child's collection)
- Gross Motor Play
- Nursery Rhyme
- Baby Game
- Animal
- Picture Book
- Color
- Color Discovery Basket
- Color Themed Snack (to try new foods!)
- 3 Baby Signs
- 1 Body Part Focus
- 3 Process Art Activities
- Montessori Home Challenge
This is completely free!
You will have the option of upgrading your order to the premium package with monthly lesson plans, a weekly lesson planner grid, and master lists of the lessons, books, and activities!
Learn more by downloading this "Get to know your curriculum" sheet!