Montessori Christian Homeschool Curriculum - Year 2 - Growing Curriculum Bundle (DIGITAL DOWNLOAD)

Montessori Christian Homeschool Curriculum - Year 2 - Growing Curriculum Bundle (DIGITAL DOWNLOAD)

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This is the first eight weeks of a growing bundle of a full year-long, 36 week curriculum for ages 4-7 made so you can get started teaching your child from a Biblical perspective in the Montessori way right now! 

This Year 2 curriculum builds on the foundation set in Year 1. The "skills" subjects: math and language, pick up where they left off in Year 1, and there is a whole lot more! Read more below. 


The entire curriculum will be released on or before November 30, 2024, giving you plenty of time to prepare and plan for each month! By purchasing the full year of curriculum now, you will receive a 20% discount. Each time the curriculum is updated with new material, you will receive an email with a link to access the new files and a note of what has been added or updated. 

Here is the release schedule: 

  • Weeks 1-32: Available now! 
  • Weeks 33-36: Available 3/31/2025

The curriculum includes:

Bible - 18 Bible Stories: 18 Sensory Bible Devotional Card Packs plus 54+ Montessori-Inspired Bible Learning Tray Activities.

Reading - Move from phonics sounds to reading, with a built in review of phonics. Students complete the INCLUDED Montessori Pink Series Workbook and begin the Montessori Blue Series Workbook in Year 2. 

Math - The Montessori Math Workbook - Primary Book 2 is INCLUDED with this purchase of the Year 2 Curriculum! Math Book 2 introduces skip counting and squaring numbers 1-10, counting to 1000, the Montessori Decimal System Material and Golden Beads, forming numbers up to four digits, and performing the four operations using the Golden Bead and Decimal System materials! A Looping Review System is built in for retention and mastery of concepts introduced in Year 1, as well as the new material from Year 2. 

Sensorial - Nine more Sensorial materials will delight your child this year, with extensions and new activities presented each week to keep your child learning and growing in this sensitive period!  

Art Appreciation - (Optional, but recommended and scheduled in your Teacher's Guide.) Purposely set your child up to appreciate beauty by incrementally introducing postcard sized reproductions of classical art using Child Size Masterpieces by Aline D. Wolf. Instructions are included for each week to give a gentle introduction! 

Geography, Art, and Literature - This year, we will be traveling the world as we study and celebrate God’s world! Using hands-on materials and presentations, as well as incredible picture books from the library, child-created art projects, and cultural music, your child will gain an appreciation for the physical places and cultures of many countries all over the globe. We will build our own “continent boxes” with our art as we celebrate our way through the world.

Science - This year, we will be adding science as a standalone subject! Each week, there is one main science presentation. You will introduce a new science topic with a hands-on Montessori presentation, following the script in this guide, and follow up your presentation with an on-topic read-aloud picture book as your child maintains interest, either during your work period or as a bedtime/afternoon story. Children will be introduced to the solar system, the moon, plants, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds, and animals!

Even MORE! - All printables needed for the curriculum are included in your purchase except for the Art Prints. Planning sheets, checklists, setups, and tips are included throughout the curriculum.


1. Can I use this curriculum for more than one year? 

Absolutely! You can cycle through every subject again, going more in depth the second or third time around. If you want new Bible stories, you can access the Sensory Bible Devotional Cards at

Every child moves at his or her own pace, which is why the age range for this curriculum is so vast. A four year old may be ready for all of the work included, where a different four year old would enjoy the most basic language and math presentations and would do better cycling through the work again next year. A seven year old may only just now be ready to learn to read and calculate and can also start with this Year 2 curriculum. 

2. Can I combine children in Year 1 and Year 2? 

YES! Simply choose one Bible Track (Year 1 or Year 2) and teach the skills subjects on level for each child. The Free Choice period is a great time for individual lessons! The science, geography, art, art appreciation, and color/shape lessons can be taught to children in both years at the same time. 

3. Where should I start? 

If your child can identify all 26 alphabet sounds, and identify numbers 1-100, start with Year 2. If you think your child would benefit from more sound and number work, start with Year 1. Don't worry so much about your child's age, rather focus on his ability to do the work. There is so much richness in this flexible curriculum and way of learning that you won't regret starting at a lower level and moving at your child's pace. 

4. What if I already own the Montessori Pink Series Workbook or the Montessori Math Workbook - Primary Book 2? 

Since this is a bundle, there is a huge discount to purchasing the curriculum all at once. The only time this will affect the price of the curriculum is when it is sold as a Physical Product upon completion. 

Digital Download: Currently, this curriculum is only offered as a digital download. Once the curriculum is complete, there will be a printed option. The pages needed from the Montessori Pink Reading Workbook (both print and cursive versions) and the Montessori Math Workbook - Primary Book 2 are included in each month's downloads. You can buy the physical workbooks for the reading and math portions, though, at these links, from Amazon: