Montessori Homeschooling Kickstarter Pack BONUS Video #2: The Movable Alphabet
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Today's video shows you three fun ways you can get started using the included printable movable alphabet at home with your child! Teaching your child to read and write does NOT have to be difficult, cumbersome, or boring. The Montessori approach makes teaching your child to read enjoyable and simple!
Make sure to look out for the two must-not-break rules when teaching your child to work with the movable alphabet!
I hope you enjoyed the video!
Here is a recap of three fun ways to use the movable alphabet at home!
- Start with CVC Words, using sounds your child already knows.
- Make a list.
- Write a story!
Stay tuned for the next video in the mini training series, which should appear in your email inbox tomorrow!
In Faith,
Katie Key