Take the MYSTERY out of Montessori Math with the
Montessori Math Workbook.
The Montessori Math Workbook is an introduction to concrete mathematics for children ages three to six.
Using just a pencil, scissors, and glue, you can help your child conceptualize numbers 0-100 while working through the Montessori Math framework.
Montessori Math Workbook: Primary Book 1
In this first book, your child will be exposed to:
✔️ tactile numerals
✔️ the spindle box
✔️ number rods
✔️ beginning operations with number rods
✔️ cards and counters
✔️ the short bead stair
✔️ the addition snake game
✔️ teen numbers and teen number formation
✔️ counting by tens
✔️ counting all the way to one hundred using the 100 chain and the 100 board.
💜 Best of all, directions are included for every activity.
🎁 Give your child the gift of understanding math.

A hands-on open-and-go Montessori math curriculum. Use as a supplement to traditional, physical Montessori math materials OR as a stand-alone math curriculum.
Montessori math rightly sets a firm foundation in concrete principles before slowly progressing into abstraction. This workbook uniquely takes the Montessori concrete materials and puts them on paper, so your child can sit with a pencil, scissors, and glue, and concretely manipulate, touch, and visualize numbers, creating a strong math foundation using just this workbook.
This is meant to be a first exposure to math, so we start at the very beginning. We cover conceptualizing numbers 0-100 in a Montessori sequence through many hands-on and visual activities. See Table of Contents.
Target ages: 3-6.
Digital Download. 309 Pages.
Note: The Workbook is made to be printed double-sided, so there are blank pages on the back of anything that needs to be single-sided for layout purposes and cutting activities.
*Use: The purchase of a workbook allows the purchaser to use the workbook within one immediate family or a single classroom, depending on the license purchased. The single classroom purchase grants the purchaser rights to use the workbook contents with up to 30 students for one year. A new license will need to be purchased for each year and/or each class. Please email me at montessoriforhomeschoolers@gmail.com for bulk pricing on printed workbooks.
Looking for the printed workbook? Printed Montessori Math Workbook
What is the target age range for the Montessori Math Workbook - Book 1?
- It is best for ages 3-6. When your child shows interest in counting and can use scissors, it's time to give it a try!
Do I need Montessori materials to do this workbook?
Not at all! You only need a pencil, scissors, and glue!
How can I use this alongside my Montessori math materials?
Families and classrooms with Montessori math materials have opted to use this workbook in many ways. It can be used for Distance Learning, as a follow-up to a lesson with the physical materials, reinforcement of a concept, an extension, daily morning math practice for "Morning Time," pages can be used as "shelf work," or as an alternative for days when a physical presentation is not feasible.
Can my child use this workbook even we don't do Montessori at home or at school?
Yes! This workbook is a great addition to any home or school curriculum, regardless of how math has been introduced in the past or will be introduced in the future. Your child will receive a firm, concrete foundation in math with this Workbook.
Do I need any training or experience to use this Workbook to teach my child?
No! All of the directions, down to everything you need to say to your child is in this workbook.
Do I choose a lesson or work in order?
You can do either, but the Workbook was created to do in order from front to back. If you are more experienced and know the lessons your child needs to work on, you are of course free to work on whichever lessons you would like!
What are parents saying?
This is such a beautiful resource for families! I love that you can use it along with materials or a stand alone curriculum. Great job on a beautiful resource for our home!
I purchased the workbook - and seriously it's great!!! This is like heaven-sent :) Thank you for this!
Love this! My 4 year old loves math workbooks, but they are very traditional and they miss the Montessori element of progression. Thank you for making this workbook! My daughter is going to love doing maths without her toddler sister touching/taking the materials away!